Tuesday 14 June 2011

Global warming

What is Global warming?
Global warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises) due to greenhouse gases (ex: carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane) trapping heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere. This is also known as the greenhouse effect because like a greenhouse heat is trapped inside to keep the organisms warm.

Global Warming Questions:
1. Was there a difference in the warming rate of the control bottle and the greenhouse bottle? If so, describe the process that took place. Yes there was a difference in the warming rate with the ‘controlled’ bottle and the ‘greenhouse’ bottle. After the 16 minuet mark the ‘greenhouse’ bottle began increasing in temperature significantly while the ‘controlled’ bottle stayed at a steady pace.

2. List three “greenhouse gasses”, their sources, and at least one way that they could be reduced.
The three main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane gas. Carbon dioxide mostly comes from car emissions and industries, one way it can be reduced is by car polling, walking, biking and using public bussing. Nitrous oxide is found almost everywhere from the surgery table to fertilizer. One way we can reduce nitrous oxide is by not using it for fertilizer.  Methane gas can be found seeping through the earth’s crust in geysers other underwater openings. One way we can reduce the amount of methane entering into our ozone is plug or capture the gas not allowing it to reach the atmosphere. 

3. What would be some likely consequences if the scientists who say that humans are significantly increasing global warming are correct and we do not take steps to halt it?
Some likely consequences would include increased temperature causing melting of the ice caps. Once the ice caps are gone, one can assume that the increased water will cause many cities and Islands to become flooded. Moreover, our world will lose many different species of animal such as the polar bear, artic fox and numerous others.   

4. What would be some likely consequences if the scientists who say that humans are not significantly increasing global warming are correct and we do take steps to halt it?
There are many scientist who believe that the reason why the Earth’s temperature in increasing is because we are coming out of the last ice age. If this is true and we still continue to try and stop global warming, I believe that we will be disappointed with our results. No matter what we do the earth will continue to rise in temperature.  I also believe there is no harm in coming up with nontoxic ways to live our life. If global warming does not exist at least society had improved in technology. 

5. Which do you think we should do : Take immediate action to stop any possible human-caused greenhouse effect or wait another five to ten years while more studies are done. Why?
I think we should be taking immediate action to stop any possible human-caused greenhouse effects because it better to be safe than sorry. Even if we are not causing global warming what’s the harm in creating new technology that in the grand scheme of things relays on renewable energy

6. Why do scientist sometimes use “models”?
Scientist sometimes use models to create a visual of what is to be expected in the years to come. An average person might not understand the outcome of global warming by creating a visual scientist can show society how the future may change rather than bore them with statistics.

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